Publishing Ethics
The editor team in Anser Press works hard to prevent any academic misconducts and ethical violations in research and publication. Those activities that damage academic integrity include plagiarism, falsification of research, data fabrication, submitting manuscripts of others as one’s own, submitting same manuscript to different publishers at the same time, and violations of intellectual property rights.
To protect academic integrity, duplication checker iThenticate will be used to verify the originality of submissions. A submission will be desk-declined (during submissions stage) or rejected for consideration (during peer review stage) if the research paper contains 20% or more of plagiarized content or 2% or more of plagarism from the same reference. In this way, authors must adhere to the contemporary rules in academic writing and publishing ethics.
In cases of suspected misconduct and violation, the editor team will be responsible for investigation. If the suspected submission is supported by evidence, it will be declined in the journal and all authors will be informed on this matter. In case of already published paper, un-publication will be initiated immediately. Authors of the paper will receive Editor’s Decision via email and all complaints and appeals need to be made within 1 month of the decision date.
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