Author Guidelines
Prior to submission for publication, Anser Press requires authors to prepare and format their papers and other supplementary files to comply with the guidelines below.
Apart from the following Instructions for Authors for reference, our templates are recommended to prepare the submission files.
Templates (Downloadable after logging in as author or reviewer)
- Title Page Template
- Manuscript Template (without author information)
Submission structure, general style and format
Three separate files (manuscript without author information, title page, and cover letter) are essential for every new submission, whereas another core file is added for resubmission of revision file, that is, response/rebuttal letter. In other words, four files, namely, manuscript without author information, title page, cover letter, and response/rebuttal letter, are collectively known as the revision file. Supplementary files and/or confidential accessory files are optional.
Please note that all information in the title page, except for the manuscript title, should remain unchanged from submission to acceptance before publication. Therefore, authors should make sure that all information is accurate before making submission.
Author metadata during submission
Authors must provide all details of author information, including but not limited to full name, affiliation and email address in the author metadata column of the submission system during the submission process. Anser Press requires the above-mentioned details to exactly comply with those on the title page of the submission, including the author order of the authorship list. Authors’ ORCID ID, if available, is encouraged to be provided.
Anser Press requires manuscripts to meet American English standards for publication. Submissions should be clear and concise; otherwise, obscure and unclear submissions will be returned to authors.
If authors wish to improve the quality of the manuscript for a better chance of publication, Anser Press recommends the language-editing services, which does not guarantee that it will be accepted for publication.
Letter capitalization
Sentence case capitalization in all submissions are required. In sentence case, Lowercase is used for most major and minor words (except proper nouns, including name of organizations and name of guidelines, because they are always capitalized for the first letter of each word, except for minor words, such as conjunctions and short prepositions). The first letter of the first word should always be uppercase.
Manuscript title
The title should be concise and informative with no more than 50 words, which presents the main result or conclusion of the research. Abbreviations, acronyms and jargons should be avoided within the title. Witty or creative titles are welcome, but they should be relevant to the research. However, unambitious or vague titles are not ideal. In extreme cases, the editorial office may veto a title and propose an alternative.
In the abstract, authors should make it a top priority to point out the general significance and conceptual development of the research. In the abstract, the use of abbreviations should be minimized and references, figures or tables should not be cited. For full-length article, the length of an abstract should not exceed 300 words. Abstract is needed and necessary in original research article, review article, perspective article, case report and special feature article.
All article types require a minimum of four and a maximum of eight keywords. Abbreviations and acronyms in keywords should be avoided, unless they are established standard keywords. Semi-colons are used to separate keywords (i.e. term1; term2; term3).
Abbreviations and acronyms
Authors should use minimum abbreviations and acronyms. Non-standard abbreviations and acronyms should be avoided unless they appear at least four times, and must be defined upon their first appearance in the main text. A list of non-standard abbreviations at the end but before the acknowledgments is preferred.
Sections in article
Please see the Article Template for detail.
We recommend preparing the references with a bibliography software package, such as EndNote, ReferenceManager or Zotero to avoid typing mistakes and duplicated references. Include the digital object identifier (DOI) for all references where available. We recommend that authors export reference information of standards from WOS. Every reference should appear in the text in the following format: (1) Place effects are larger for young and White voters (Cantoni and Pons, 2022). (2) Angelucci et al. (2022) study the emergence of urban self-governance in the late medie-val period.
Angelucci, C., Meraglia, S., and Voigtlaender, N. (2022). How Merchant Towns Shaped Parliaments: From the Norman Conquest of England to the Great Reform Acts. American Economic Review 112, 3441-3487.
Bastos, P., Silva, J., and Verhoogen, E. (2018). Export Destinations and Input Prices. American Economic Review 108, 353-392.
Cantoni, E., and Pons, V. (2022). Does Context Outweigh Individual Characteristics in Driving Voting Behavior? Evidence from Relocations within the United States. American Economic Review 112, 1226-1272.
Head, K., and Mayer, T. (2019). Brands in Motion: How Frictions Shape Multinational Production. American Economic Review 109, 3073-3124.
This part should appear in the title page and back matter file. This is a short text to acknowledge the contributions of specific colleagues, institutions, or agencies that provided non-financial support to help the authors.
Funding statement*
This part should appear in the title page and back matter file. All financial support and sources (in the form of grants, royalties, consulting fees and others) to conduct the research, analysis, and publication should be declared.
Conflict of interest*
Authors are required to disclose any actual and potential conflicts or competing interests with any institutions, organizations or agencies that may damage the integrity of research results at submission. Personal, financial, and professional affiliations or relationships can be regarded as conflicts of interest. If authors fail to disclose conflicts or competing interests, the manuscript would be rejected.
Author contributions*
This section should be included in original research articles and review articles. Authors are recommended to use the following specific descriptions to show each contributor’s specific contribution to the academic production in the Author Contributions section, such as, conceptualization, data curation, formal analysis, funding acquisition, investigation, methodology, project administration, resources, software, supervision, validation, visualization, writing–original draft, and writing–review & editing.
Here are some examples in Author Contributions section written based on the above descriptions:
Conceptualization: Ali Jackson, Helen Meyer
Investigation: Ali Jackson, Tom Lewis-Hans, Han Xiang
Methodology: Dolores Hans
Formal analysis: Han Xiang
Writing – original draft: Ali Jackson
Writing – review & editing: Helen Meyer, Joshua O’Brien
Supplementary files
Supplementary materials usually include data of little importance to the text, or those cannot be included in the main text because they are too large or the current format does not permit it (such as videos, raw data traces, PowerPoint presentations, etc.) during submission.
Supplementary figures and tables should be submitted in a single and separate supplementary file, and should be numbered, for example, Figure S1 and Table S1. All tables must be editable (preferably created from Microsoft Word).
The supplementary material can be uploaded as:
data sheet (Word, Excel, CSV, CDX, FASTA, PDF or Zip files)
presentation (PowerPoint, PDF or Zip files)
table (Word, Excel, CSV or PDF)
audio (MP3, WAV or WMA)
video (AVI, DIVX, FLV, MOV, MP4, MPEG, MPG or WMV).
Revision and response/rebuttal letter
Rebuttal letter is a response to reviewers’ and editors’ comments after an author or researcher submits their work for publication. For the comments of major revision or minor revision, authors should revise the manuscript in comply with the comments and resubmit the revision file, including the manuscript, title page and back matter, cover letter, and response/rebuttal letter, before the due date.
Authors are required to point out the specific revisions in the response/rebuttal letter. It is highly recommended to clarify explanations about the revisions with page number and line number. If authors disapprove reviewers’ comments, they should make clear their points with persuasive evidence and reasonable arguments.